Electronic resources can provide powerful research tools such as keyword searching.

LA Law Library's offers access to electronic legal research tools.

Legal publications are increasingly available online. LA Law Library subscribes to these databases to provide library patrons with access to essential legal research tools. Electronic legal resources provide powerful research tools such as keyword searching, case cite validation and access to industry leading publications. Many resources also feature options to download or email materials.

Researching the law is easy using keyword searches: find cases involving landlords and tenants, personal injury or family law with references to analysis and explanations.

Extensive database access
  • Access to over 20 electronic legal resources, including industry leading services like Westlaw and Lexis+
  • Perform electronic legal research on California and Federal law as well as foreign and international law
Powerful and convenient research tools
  • Search legal materials such as case opinions, laws and analytical materials on most legal topics
  • Many services offer features such as emailing and downloading to save time and money
  • Off-site access to select databases such as Legal Information Reference Center and LA Law Library digital brief repository.
Expert guidance
  • Our Reference Librarians are always available to assist with building keyword searches or recommending research strategies
  • LA Law Library offers hand-on classes to provide in-depth instruction on using databases

Hours / Location

LA Law Library
301 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Click Here for Directions


Monday - Friday:
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Branches / Partner Locations

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The LA Law Library is a selective government depository for both the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) and State of California materials.

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