Thank you for visiting our Locations & Hours page. Below, please find information on our Main library and branch / partner locations.
Choose what service best suits your needs. You can reach us at AskNow (live chat), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213-785-2513 (Main Library), 562-508-4882 (Long Beach Branch) or 424-201-0748 (Torrance Branch) for reference assistance and free e-delivery up to 25 pages. Or you can watch our free online classes or schedule a free telephonic Lawyers in the Library Consultation with a volunteer lawyer here. For an extensive list of useful links and resources about legal issues impacted by COVID-19, please click here.
Para ver este anuncio general en español, haga clic aquí.
We hope you have a chance to visit our satellite locations across all parts of Los Angeles County, from Lancaster to Long Beach. At these locations you’ll find many of the same resources and services at the Main Library, but closer to your home or office. Resources and services may vary by location.
Many of these locations offer free public computers with access to legal research databases and staff available to assist you. Some locations are open on weekday evenings and Sundays.
Please click the name of any of the locations below to find out more!
We are excited to announce that our LA Law Library in-person visits resume at our public library partnerships in Pasadena (#6 on dropdown menu), Van Nuys (#9 on dropdown menu) and Santa Monica (#10 on dropdown menu)