Your Day in Court: Appearing Before a Judge

Class recorded October 28, 2020.

For updated information on e-filing and filing court documents in-person during COVID-19, please click here. If your case is being heard in California state superior court, please be sure to visit your court’s website for the most recent updates. L.A. Superior Court’s website is here.

If your case makes it to court, you want to make a good impression. How you handle yourself – in person or remotely – can affect how the court sees you and ultimately how successful you are in presenting your case. Learn how to address the court, what to wear, and more, directly from L.A. Superior Court judges.

Class covers:

  • Preparing your case for a judge
  • What to expect, how to appear, and how to act at your hearing, whether it’s remote or in person
  • Presenting your case to the judge
  • Explaining your request for an extension or continuance to the judge
  • How to avoid hurting your own case

Presented by:
Judge Bruce Iwasaki, LA Superior Court
Judge Robert S. Harrison, LA Superior Court

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below.

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

Appeals: Building Your Case & Persuading the Court

Class recorded Friday, October 30, 2020

The two pillars of a case on appeal are the appellate records and the briefs. The record consists of the documents filed in the trial court (the “Clerk’s Transcript”), plus a record of the oral proceedings in the courtroom (the “Reporter’s Transcript” or a substitute). The briefs are written legal arguments that present a party’s position on appeal.

In this class, learn to designate an adequate record and prepare a successful brief.

Class covers:

  • The purpose, content and importance of the Clerk’s and Reporter’s Transcripts
  • How to designate a record that is adequate to help the appellate court assess error
  • The purpose and contents of an appellate brief
  • What rules guide the appellate court’s decision about whether the trial court decision should be reversed
  • The different, and equally essential roles of the factual history and the legal arguments in a brief
  • Format, filing and service requirements
  • Deadlines and time limits

Presented by:
Tyna Orren, Certified Specialist, Appellate Law, Orren & Orren

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)."

Lawyers in the Library

Get a free telephone consultation with a volunteer lawyer. To schedule your telephonic consultation, please fill out this form and provide an eSignature on the disclosure form below.  Please note: we won't be able to schedule you for a consultation with a lawyer without your eSignature on the disclosure form.

Link to form:

Areas of law that are usually covered include:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Challenging Government Agency Decisions (Writs)
  • Child Support
  • Civil Rights
  • Conservatorship
  • Contracts (formation and breach)
  • Criminal Law
  • Credit Card/Debt Collection
  • Divorce & Child Custody
  • Education Law
  • Elder Abuse
  • Employment Law
  • Estate Planning
  • Family Law Restraining Orders
  • Government Benefits
  • Guardianship of Estate
  • Guardianship of the Person
  • Immigration
  • Landlord/Tenant – Housing
  • Personal Injury/Auto Accident
  • Probate Litigation
  • Real Estate
  • Small Business
  • Small Claims
  • Workers’ Compensation

Lawyers in the Library Consultations are being held TELEPHONICALLY ONLY until further notice due to public health concerns.

Consultations provided by caring and committed volunteer attorneys who generously donate their time.

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice.  LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The Law Library is pleased to offer our patrons the opportunity to obtain assistance from third party legal service providers at this and other events within the Library.  However, the Library does not control and is not responsible for the content or scope of any assistance given by those providers.

How to Complete and File a Probate Petition

Class recorded Friday, October 30, 2020

Probate is the process for transferring the asset of someone who has died to the people legally entitled to receive the assets. In this class, learn which types of assets and estates require probate. Then, learn how to fill out the petition – the document that starts the probate process – how to file it with the court, and how to serve the petition on interested parties.

Also discussed: what happens after the petition, and the basics of completing a probate case.   

Class covers:

  • Which types of assets and estates require probate
  • How to fill out the petition – the document that starts the probate process
  • What happens after the petition, and the basics of completing a probate case

Presented by:
Crystal Hayes-Hill
, Attorney, My Legal Team, Inc.

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)

Finding a Lawyer: Where You Begin

Class recorded October 28, 2020

Finding legal help you can afford can be difficult. In this class, learn about low-cost and free options for getting help from a lawyer. You will also get information on how to talk to a lawyer, what a lawyer looks for in a client, how to tell your story, and the importance of gathering the facts and documents in your case. Learn how to make your legal journey easier and more successful by making the most out of the legal help you can afford.

Class covers:

  • Low-cost and free options for getting help from a lawyer, and when and how to use each
  • How to talk to a lawyer: identifying your legal problem, telling your story effectively, and what a lawyer looks for in a client
  • The importance of gathering your facts and documents
  • How legal billing works
  • Things clients do that increase costs
  • Deciding what legal work isn’t worth the cost

Presented By:

Kathleen O’Connor, Law Office of Kathleen M. O’Connor

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)


LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice.  LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons.  For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.



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9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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