About Us
The LA Law Library is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees who set policy and appoint the Executive Director. The library staff, which comprises over 40 full-time and 20 part-time staff members at the main library and 2 branch locations, is led by the following team: | |
Executive Director |
Katherine H. Chew |
213-785-2529 |
Circulation |
Angelica Buenrostro Manager |
213-785-2571 |
Collection Management Services |
Meiling Li Director |
213-785-2554 |
Communications |
Krit Maroj Supervisor |
213-785-2546 |
Facilities |
Mark Rangel Supervisor |
213-785-2521 |
Finance |
Marcelino Juarez Director |
213-785-2525 |
Human Resources |
Theresa Ines HR Generalist |
213-785-2517 |
Information Technology |
Marin Sok Director |
213-785-2556 |
Reference & Collections |
Ryan Metheny Director |
213-785-2561 |
The LA Law Library staff welcomes you.
LA Law Library provides public access to legal information. We are here to assist your use of the resources and services offered. Please help us keep the library safe and pleasant for everyone by following these rules of conduct when on Library property.
Users shall respect the rights of other library users and library staff. The Library shall not be used in lieu of an office for the practice of law or any other professional or business activity. Soliciting, harassing, offending, intimidating or disturbing library patrons or staff or intentionally interfering with their ability to conduct library business is strictly prohibited.
[California Penal Code 602.1(b)]
LA Law Library does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. To request an accommodation for any of the Library's programs, services, or activities, please inform a staff member of your accommodation request or submit a completed request form. (Forms are available on our website or in person.)
We are delighted our patrons enjoy the library and want to take photos. To protect the privacy of others, however, no photography or filming is permitted on library premises without arrangements and approval in advance. Should you wish to request permission to photograph within a public space or arrange space for private photography sessions, please contact us at 213.785.2511 for assistance. Personal electronic devices may be used to photograph or record content of Library materials, subject to the following Rules.
Users should limit their carry-in items to those materials necessary to accomplish their legal research. For safety and security, the library reserves the right to limit users to one bag and one purse or a briefcase.
- Abide by all posted LA Law Library Patron Expectations for Health and Safety
- Running, jumping or moving faster than the pace of pedestrian traffic is prohibited (whether on foot or operating a personal mobility device).
- Briefcases, backpacks, packages and outer garments may be subject to inspection at any time.
- With the exception of wheelchairs or other mobility devices covered by the ADA, large objects such as carts, luggage, bicycles or parcels that collectively exceed 26” x 19” x 9” are not permitted in the library.
- Notwithstanding the above, a patron may bring one personal handcart into the library, provided the cart can be folded or collapsed and is placed entirely under a patron table in the Reading Room within the single, individual space at the table being used by the patron.
- Walkways and aisles shall be kept clear and unobstructed by personal items, including but not limited to, briefcases, packages, backpacks, garments, electric cords and equipment.
- The Law Library is not responsible for, nor shall it have any liability for, the personal items that users bring into the library.
- Security personnel will remove unattended items.
- To ensure an unobstructed view of patrons within the Reading Room, users may not place, stack or pile materials in a manner that prevents Security Personnel from viewing patron activity or impairs the line of sight from Security Personnel to any patron.
In consideration of others, quiet is expected throughout the Library, including in the lobby area. Users may engage in quiet conversation in person or by telephone as long as other users are not disturbed. If a conversation or use of a device can be heard by patrons more than 5 feet away, it is presumed to be disturbing to others. Telephone conversations are permitted on the front patio and walkways, provided they do not interfere with ingress, egress or Library operations.
Pagers, cell phones and PDAs should be turned to vibrate or silent mode. Photocopiers/scanners or other equipment should be used as quietly as possible.
Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes must be worn in the library.
Animals, other than service animals (as defined by law) assisting persons with disabilities, are not permitted in the library. Service animals must be under the control of their patron handler at all times and may not cause disruption, noise or damage to Library property. Anyone bringing service animals other than a single service dog into the library is requested to provide written notice in advance so that the library may determine whether the animals can be reasonably accommodated.
Children must be under the control and supervision of a responsible adult at all times.
Beverages in covered, spill-proof containers are allowed. The eating of food and the chewing of gum are prohibited.
The following are not permitted in LA Law Library:
- Smoking, including smoking within 20’ of any entrance to the Law Library.
[California Government Code 7597] - Weapons, including firearms whether open or concealed, with or without permit, unless the carrier is an active peace officer as defined under California Penal Code Section 830-832.17
- Loitering, sleeping, laying on the Law Library floor or furniture.
- Bathing, shaving, and washing clothes in the library restrooms.
- Soliciting (offering patrons or staff goods or services for sale)
Persons other than Library staff may not pretend or represent themselves to be agents or employees of LA Law Library
Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, except as lawfully prescribed by a physician, are not permitted in the library.
Persons whose parcels or bodily hygiene or odor is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance or disrupt others’ work shall be required to leave the library.
Acts or threats of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, threatening or disruptive behavior, bullying, physical or mental abuse and/or coercion towards patrons or staff will not be tolerated. The Library reserves the right to take action against any individual engaging in such conduct which can include the following: banning from the premises, reporting such conduct to appropriate law enforcement authorities when warranted, and pursuing civil and/or criminal charges and penalties.
Users shall not conceal or hide library materials. Pocket parts or loose-leaf pages may not be removed from books except for photocopy purposes in the Copy Center. When copying is complete, the pages used shall be returned promptly to their correct location in the book. It is the patron’s responsibility to use library materials in compliance with copyright and other applicable laws.
No materials shall be removed from the library unless they have been properly checked out. Failure to return materials when due may result in payment of fines, replacement costs and administrative costs and/or loss of Law Library privileges.
Users should not reshelve their used library materials. Law Library staff will collect materials from tables, desks and shelves 15 minutes prior to closing and may collect materials left unattended periodically throughout the day.
The theft, abuse, vandalism, mutilation, marring, marking, defacing, or otherwise damaging of the books, building, equipment, furniture or other objects in the Law Library is prohibited.
[California Penal Code 490.5 & 594: Education Code 19910 & 19911]
Law Library public computers are reserved for legal research and access to the online catalog. Peripheral devices (printers, CD-ROM drives, cameras, keyboards, scanners, etc) may not be attached without prior authorization.
Public computer use is limited to one 2-hour session. Users may only access public computers using their own library card. To request your library card, please ask any staff member to assist you. Accessing the library computer system, programs or data without authorization is prohibited.
Personal electronic devices may be used in the library provided such use does not disturb other users or take up excessive space or electrical capacity. Personal electronic devices including but not limited to computers, copiers, scanners and printers may be used only if they do not exceed 1.5 amps or a footprint of 2 square feet, make no noise audible to other patrons and pose no other hazard or obstacle to use of the library by others. For example, laptops and silent hand-held scanners are generally permitted, while full-size personal computers, printers and scanners are generally not permitted. As noted above, if the use of a device can be heard by patrons more than 5 feet away, it is presumed to be disturbing to others.
Tabletop electrical outlets are provided for patron use. Due to a very limited number of electrical outlets each user should not connect to more than one outlet at a time. Wall outlets may not be used by patrons without prior express permission.
Opening emergency exits (except in emergency situations), entering unauthorized or off-limit areas of the library, remaining in the library after closing or during emergency drills or evacuations is prohibited and may result in immediate suspension of library privileges.
Entering or remaining on landscaped areas, areas marked as “Reserved” or “No Trespassing” signs or any portion of the premises when the library is closed (other than for the short-term purpose of returning library materials to the book-drop) is prohibited and may result in immediate removal and/or suspension of library privileges.
Failure to comply with library rules, library signage or the directives of library staff or security personnel, or to cooperate with the staff or security personnel in their enforcement of these rules may result in the loss or suspension of library privileges, including but not limited to temporary or permanent removal from the library premises. Individuals who refuse to leave when requested to do so by staff or security personnel will be subject to arrest for trespassing and prosecution under California Penal Code Section 602.1(b).
Any removal or suspension of privileges for more than one day may be appealed upon written request within 10 days of the removal or suspension.
Friends of the Los Angeles County Law Library
Supported by the private sector, Friends of the Los Angeles County Law Library are dedicated to raising funds for the Los Angeles County Law Library. Friends' activities raise the visibility of the Law Library and provide a needed, additional base of financial support. Proceeds from past events have been used to expand access, upgrade technology and provide services to the self-represented.
The Friends activities include the Annual Beacon of Justice Award Gala Event as their focal point. Each year in early fall, numerous nominations for the Annual Award are received and following the selection of a recipient, the Gala Event evening is planned and the recipient is given the Beacon of Justice Award.
For more information on this event or the Friends of the Los Angeles County Law Library, please visit their website.
The Library is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees who set policy and appoint the Executive Director. The Board consists of five Superior Court judges appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County and two attorneys appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Hon. Mark A. Juhas
President, Board of Trustees
Term expires: March 25, 2027
Judge Juhas earned his law degree from the University of Puget Sound School of Law in Tacoma, Washington which was later acquired by Seattle University. He was a clerk for a firm in Tacoma then became a personal-injury defense attorney for the Los Angeles firm Harrington, Foxx, Dubrow and Cantor. He was an associate when he started in 1979 and became a partner in 1985. He worked there until being appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court in 2002.
He currently chairs the Family Law Curriculam Design committee for the Center for Judicial Education and Research (CJER) and sits on CJER's governing board. He regularly teaches for, among others, The Los Angeles Superior Court's education program, CJER, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and Southwestern Law School. He is currently a member of the State Bar of California's Access to Justice Commission and is co-chair of the Modest Means Incubator Working Group as well as chair of the Judicial support committee.
Hon. Laura A. Seigle
Vice President, Board of Trustees
Term expires: January 26, 2027
Judge Laura Seigle was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court in 2015, has been assigned to family law and civil courts, and currently is assigned to the Spring Street Courthouse. Prior to her appointment, Judge Seigle was a partner at Irell & Manella LLP and clerked on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She serves on the Library Foundation of Los Angeles’ Board of Directors, the Board of Governors of the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, and the Yale Law School Association Executive Committee. Judge Seigle regularly teaches on a variety of topics including civil law, evidence, and professional ethics. Judge Seigle graduated from Yale Law School and Harvard University.
Hon. Susan J. De Witt
Term expires: February 15, 2028
Judge Susan J. De Witt was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court in December 2017, and is currently assigned to a criminal court in the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center. She is a graduate of Georgetown University Law School, and the University of California, Riverside, with a Dual B.S. in Administrative Studies and Economics, with a Women’s Studies Minor.
Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge De Witt served as an Assistant United States Attorney; a litigation associate at White & Case and at Milbank, Tweek, Hadley & McCoy; and as a Judicial Clerk to the Hon. John G. Davies, Central District of California.
She currently serves on the LASC Automation Committee, Community Outreach Committee, Criminal Expert Witness Committee, and the Domestic Violence Issues Committee. Judge De Witt is a member of the California Judges Association LGBT Judicial Officer’s Committee and the Criminal Law & Procedure Committee.
Judge De Witt is a member of Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, California Women Lawyers, LGBTQ+ Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, the Mexican American Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, the National Association of Women Judges, and the International Association of LGBTQ+ Judges.
Hon. Rosa M. Fregoso
Term expires: April 19, 2027
Judge Fregoso began her legal career in 1992 at the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA). In 2007, she joined the Los Angeles Alternate Public Defender’s Office. From 2011 to 2022, Ms. Fregoso practiced Trusts and Estates law as a solo practitioner, associate attorney at Velasco Law Group, and Of Counsel at Wright Kim Douglas. She was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court in June 2022.
She currently serves as a Commissioner on the California Access to Justice Commission (CalATJ). She is a member of the Latina Lawyers Bar Association (LLBA), and the Mexican American Bar Association (MABA). In 2017, Ms. Fregoso was named a “Latina of Influence” by Hispanic Lifestyle, in recognition for her support and commitment to promoting positive images of the Latino community. She continues to serve as an essential link between the Friends of the LA Law Library and the Board of Trustees.
She received her Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego. She received her Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Latin American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and her law degree (J.D.) from the Berkeley School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley in 1992.
Kenneth Klein, Esq.,
Jenner & Block
Term expires: December 31, 2025
Mr. Klein joined the Los Angeles office of Jenner & Block LLP in 2011. Prior to joining Jenner & Block he was with Hogan & Hartson, now Hogan Lovells. As a trial lawyer specializing in complex business litigation, Mr. Klein has served as lead counsel in a wide range of cases in both federal and state courts. Previously, he was a partner at Riordan & McKinzie, where he chaired its litigation department.
Mr. Klein writes frequently for the Los Angeles Daily Journal on litigation and trial techniques.
Hon. Cherol J. Nellon
Term expires:
Judge Cherol J. Nellon was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court in 2018 and currently is assigned to an Independent Calendar court in the Stanley Mosk courthouse. Judge Nellon served as a Commissioner for Los Angeles Superior Court from 2016-2018.
Prior to her election as a Commissioner, Judge Nellon served as a Deputy Public Defender in the Los Angeles Public Defender’s Office. She is a graduate of the University of West Los Angeles School of Law and California State University Fullerton.
She currently chairs the Los Angeles Superior Court’s Bench Success program for new judges. She is a founding member of the Association of African American California Judicial Officers and a member of the California Judges Association.
Susan Steinhauser, Esq.,
Term expires: December 6, 2024
Ms. Steinhauser has served on the Board of Trustees since 1997 and as its President between 2002 and 2014. Ms. Steinhauser helped to establish the original Library's Friends group, managed the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Library's Main Building and it's naming for Mildred L. Lillie, Justice, California Court of Appeals.
Ms. Steinhauser serves on the Library of California Board and chairs its Legislation Committee. She has a distinguished record of public service. She has served as President of the Los Angeles City Fire and Police Pension System Board. She is the founding Co-Chair and Past President of the Los Angeles Women's Appointment Collaboration, a non-partisan coalition that supports women seeking appointed office. She has lectured widely on the appointment process. She is also a Charter Founder of the Los Angeles Women's Foundation and an active member of Women Lawyers of Los Angeles. Ms. Steinhauser is a strong supporter of education and the arts.
Thank you for visiting our Locations & Hours page. Below, please find information on our Main library and branch / partner locations.
Choose what service best suits your needs. You can reach us at AskNow (live chat), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213-785-2513 (Main Library), 562-508-4882 (Long Beach Branch) or 424-201-0748 (Torrance Branch) for reference assistance and free e-delivery up to 25 pages. Or you can watch our free online classes or schedule a free telephonic Lawyers in the Library Consultation with a volunteer lawyer here. For an extensive list of useful links and resources about legal issues impacted by COVID-19, please click here.
Para ver este anuncio general en español, haga clic aquí.
We hope you have a chance to visit our satellite locations across all parts of Los Angeles County, from Lancaster to Long Beach. At these locations you’ll find many of the same resources and services at the Main Library, but closer to your home or office. Resources and services may vary by location.
Many of these locations offer free public computers with access to legal research databases and staff available to assist you. Some locations are open on weekday evenings and Sundays.
Please click the name of any of the locations below to find out more!
We are excited to announce that our LA Law Library in-person visits resume at our public library partnerships in Pasadena (#6 on dropdown menu), Van Nuys (#9 on dropdown menu) and Santa Monica (#10 on dropdown menu)
Thank you for your interest in the LA Law Library. Below please find a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
If you can't find the answer you are looking for below, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
"What Can I Do For You Today?"
Chances are that you found LA Law Library because someone told you about us, were invited to attend an event, saw a flyer we distributed or a link on Google or Facebook, or happened to catch our logo on the side of our building that faces the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles. The outreach group wants to help everyone in Los Angeles county know we are here and facilitates or creates programs intended to help our stakeholders successfully navigate their law related matters successfully.
How does outreach accomplish its goals?
- We design or facilitate workshops, classes, and programs
- We take resources, reference and referrals into the community
- We focus on helping all of our stakeholders gain access to and learn about the law
The outreach unit designs and forges service and learning opportunities both on site and in the community. We represent the portion of our mission statement which aims to be a "gateway to legal information and a navigator facilitating access to the legal system."
Consider engaging with us:
- As part of our speakers' bureau
- As a pro bono workshop provider or participant
- To provide information sessions, or unbundled legal services
- By becoming a participant in the Members program which supports your law related service
- Become an educator and teach MCLE classes
- Fulfill service learning requirements, or become a library volunteer.
Reach out with us! For more information, or to suggest ideas contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.