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Executive Director Welcome

LA Law Library Executive Director, Katherine H. Chew

KHC Headshot

It's Your Story - Write the Next Chapter

New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan said it best: “If you’re not writing your own story, you’re a character in someone else’s.”  Where do you find yourself today?  Are you reeling from one bad chapter in your life, stuck with a legal problem and not quite sure how to turn the page? Are you at a loss on how to defend yourself or make things right and just don’t know where to go for help? Is someone making you a character in their story when you’d rather be writing your own? Don’t forget: You are the author. At any moment, you can write the next chapter that defines how your story ends.  All you really need to know is the location of the LA Law Library.

We exist because we know laws should not be so complicated or out of reach that you are confused on how to exercise your basic rights.  We open our doors-- six days a week, rain or shine-- to open a world of possibilities for you to improve your life, find an answer to a difficult question, or choose a path forward in a legal battle that otherwise leaves you feeling overwhelmed.  We want to share with you—free of charge-- our most powerful tools: a far reaching collection of Federal, State, and International legal resources; a special section of legal reference guides for non-lawyers; valuable knowledge from over 600 classes and workshops; in person guidance from skilled reference librarians and volunteer attorneys; connections to community resources for social services, benefits, and support.  We want to empower you when you feel powerless. And of course, if you just want a quiet and peaceful place to read a good book or study, there’s a chair here, waiting for you.

Because wherever you are now, and whatever your circumstances, the next chapter you write for yourself can be the change you choose.  It’s your story. Turn the page. Write your next chapter before the ink dries. We are here to help.

© LA Law Library 2024