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"What Can I Do For You Today?"

Chances are that you found LA Law Library because someone told you about us, were invited to attend an event, saw a flyer we distributed or a link on Google or Facebook, or happened to catch our logo on the side of our building that faces the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles. The outreach group wants to help everyone in Los Angeles county know we are here and facilitates or creates programs intended to help our stakeholders successfully navigate their law related matters successfully.

How does outreach accomplish its goals?

  • We design or facilitate workshops, classes, and programs
  • We take resources, reference and referrals into the community
  • We focus on helping all of our stakeholders gain access to and learn about the law

The outreach unit designs and forges service and learning opportunities both on site and in the community. We represent the portion of our mission statement which aims to be a "gateway to legal information and a navigator facilitating access to the legal system."

Consider engaging with us:

  • As part of our speakers' bureau
  • As a pro bono workshop provider or participant
  • To provide information sessions, or unbundled legal services
  • By becoming a participant in the Members program which supports your law related service
  • Become an educator and teach MCLE classes
  • Fulfill service learning requirements, or become a library volunteer.

Reach out with us! For more information, or to suggest ideas contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


© LA Law Library 2024