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Locating Materials in the Library Reading Room

Finding your way around the Library Reading Room is easy once you familiarize yourself with the layout and map

Trying to navigate a library for the first time can be confusing, but once you become familiar with the map and layout, locating materials in the LA Library's Reading Room is simple and logical. The library's vast legal collection is organized to help you resolve your legal questions, whether you are a seasoned attorney, law student, paralegal, representing yourself, or simply interested in the law.

Some points of interest:
  • Visit the Circulation Desk on your left when entering the library to obtain a library card, add monetary value to your card, pick up books on hold and check out books
  • Visit the Reference Desk past the security desk on your right, where our knowledgeable reference librarians are available to direct you to appropriate resources and assist you with your reference needs
  • Three internet stations are available for two (2) one hour sessions (library card required). The computers offer access to the internet and several premier legal databases such as Lexis+ and Westlaw
  • Our extensive California collection is grouped together and includes case law, codes, treatises and legislative materials
  • The federal collection includes federal district, circuit and U.S. Supreme Court case law, and U.S. codes and regulations
  • The foreign law reference section is adjacent to the federal collection and across from the Foreign Law Librarian's office
  • State materials and California & federal treatises are located in the stacks on the perimeter of the Reading Room. California appellate briefs, law reviews and other periodicals, the foreign law collection and other materials are located in the closed stacks and available upon request

Begin your visit to the LA Law Library by viewing the map here!

© LA Law Library 2024