
IN PERSON: Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance

Friday, December 20, 2024: 3:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m

In 2021, the Los Angeles City Council adopted the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance (TAHO), establishing legal rights for tenants facing harassment from their landlord. Tenant harassment is when a landlord knowingly takes actions that cause harm to a tenant. Actions such as refusing to do repairs, taking away services provided in the lease, attempting to coerce a tenant to move-out or intentionally disturbing a tenant’s peace and quiet. Through outreach and education programs, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE) works with tenants to educate them on their rights and what to do when facing landlord harassment. Join this class and learn about tenants’ legal rights to protection against landlord harassment.

Class Covers:
Presented by: Tenants Rights Director, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE) https://www.saje.net/
Registration fee: FREE
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