
ON DEMAND: MCLE Volunteer Training: Eviction Defense

Class recorded October 23, 2023

This training provides an overview of how to answer an unlawful detainer complaint and preserve issues for trial.  It covers defenses related to notices, service of process, habitability, FEHA, the Tenant Protection Act of 2019, and more.  After completing this training attorney volunteers can sign up to participate at Community Legal Aid SoCal’s legal aid clinics as well as those at other local organizations.   

MCLE Disclaimer:

MCLE credit is only granted to attorneys licensed to practice law by the State Bar of California. Attorneys from other jurisdictions should contact their state bar to learn about credit reciprocity.

Earn 1.0 hour General MCLE Credit

Presented by: Efrain Partida, Attorney, Community Legal Aid SoCal (https://www.communitylegalsocal.org/)

Registration for this public interest MCLE is FREE through the generosity of the Estate of Joan Lavine.

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The Law Library is pleased to offer our patrons the opportunity to obtain assistance from third party legal service providers at this and other events within the Library. However, the Library does not control and is not responsible for the content or scope of any assistance given by those providers.

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