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LA Law Library offers classes and instruction on a number of topics related to legal research.

Whether you are a new to legal research or a veteran legal professional, legal research classes at LA Law Library can provide instruction on a variety of topics.  Taught by knowledgeable Reference Librarians, classes at LA Law Library provide patrons with an excellent basis for further research.  Legal research classes at LA Law Library deliver in-depth instruction at a very reasonable price.

Learn about lawsuits in superior court, how to find forms or how to begin your research using databases such as Westlaw or Lexis Advance.

In-Depth Instruction

  • Taught by librarians with years of experience in legal research
  • Many classes feature live demonstrations by the instructors

Great Value

  • At $20 for most public classes, these classes provide an affordable option for legal research training

Visit our list of classes and reserve your spot in any of our wide-ranging classes!

© LA Law Library 2024